近期,H&S Anlagentechnik GmbH 已樂成完成 RetourMatras 工業范围反响器工場的调试,RetourMatras 是一家專門從事床垫拆解及其轉化為轮回資本的荷兰收受接管公司。新安装的收受接管工場采纳先辈的解聚收受接管技能,操纵報废床垫的聚氨酯泡沫 (PU) 出產高質量的收受接管多元醇 (Repolyol)。就在近来,RetourMatras 還與宜家零售互助,按照宜家對收受接管或可再生質料制成的產物的做法,寻觅床垫報废的轮回解决方案。
在欧洲,估量每一年有 4000 万张床垫被烧毁。與點火比拟,烧毁床垫的收受接管有助于收受接管質料以供再操纵,從而使它们連结在轮回中。為了削减废料量并光鲜明显削减垃圾填埋和點火,欧盟的方针是到 2030 年收受接管 65% 的都會废料。“經由過程将報废床垫中的 PU 废料轉化為合适利用的高質量收受接管多元醇 在新的 PU 產物中,咱们的立异收受接管技能可彈射玩具,觉得實現欧盟废料律例這一雄伟方针做出贵重進献。”H&S 贩卖副总司理 Mila Skokova 诠释道。“這就是為甚麼咱们很是歡快看到愈来愈多的公司對多元醇的收受接管感樂趣,是以正在寻觅可延续的聚氨酯收受接管解决方案。”
H&S 不竭致力于改良其報废 PU 收受接管技能和装备。荷兰新安装的反响器工場其實不是该公司第一個工業范围的聚氨酯收受接管項目。比方,作為世界第二大化学團体陶氏化学團体 RENUVA™ 床垫收受接管规划的一部門,H&S 團队支撑法國 Orrion Chemicals Orgaform 的可延续体系觀點。别的,波兰最大的 PU 块状泡沫制造商之一 Ikano Industry(之前称為 Dendro Polish)自 2013 年以来一向在利用 H&S 技能,并從出產废猜中收受接管有價值的多元醇。
Sulingen, Germany – H&S Anlagentechnik G深層清潔毛孔洗面乳,mbH has successfully completed co妹妹issioning of an industrial-scale reactor plant for RetourMatras, a Dutch recycling company specialized in dismantling of mattresses and their transformation into circular resources. The newly installed recycling plant uses an advanced depolymerization recycling technology to produce high-quality recycled polyol (Repolyol) from polyurethane foam (PU) from end-of-life mattresses.
Polyol is one of the key building blocks of polyurethane foam, the main cushioning material in mattresses. Its recovery without compromising on its quality enables its reuse as a circular raw material for the production of new PU foam and thus for new mattresses and other upholstered furniture - a significant step to circularity. “The H&S process allows us to chemically recycle different foam from various mattress manufacturers, s高壓清潔噴罐,upporting our ambition to secure that no mattress goes to waste by transforming it into circular resources,” emphasizes Chico van Hemert, Managing Director at RetourMatras. Co妹妹issioning took place in May 2023 in Lelystad (NL)allowing the newly built recycling plant to convert PU foam from 200,000 mattresses into repolyols annually using the cutting-edge recycling technology of H&S.
Just recently, RetourMatras also partnered with IKEA Retail to find a circular solution for 治療椎間盤突出,the end-of-life of their mattresses in line with IKEA's approach to products made from recycled or renewable materials.
In Europe, an estimated 40 million mattresses are disposed every year. Compared to incineration, the recycling of discarded mattresses can help to recover materials for reuse and thus keep them in the loop. To counter the amount of waste and significantly reduce landfill and incineration streams, the European Union is aiming to recycle 65% of municipal waste by 2030. “By converting PU waste from end-of-life mattresses into high-quality recovered polyols suitable for use in new PU products, our innovative recycling technology can make a valuable contribution to achieving this ambitious goal of the EU waste regulation,” explains Mila Skokova, Deputy Managing Director Sales at H&S. "That’s why we are very pleased that more and more companies are interested in the recovery of polyols and therefore are looking for sustainable PU recycling solutions.”
H&S is continuously working on advancing its technologies and equipment for end-of-life PU recycling. The newly installed reactor plant in the Netherlands is not the company’s first industrial-scale PU recycling project. As part of the RENUVA™ mattress recycling瘦身產品推薦, program of Dow, the seco耳康醫用冷敷貼,nd largest chemical group in the world, the H&S team for example supported Orrion Chemicals Orgaform from France with their sustainable system concept. Besides, one of the biggest Polish PU slabstock foam manufacturers Ikano Industry (previously Dendro Poland) has been using H&S technology since 2013 also recovering valuable polyols from production waste.